07.01.2020 13:24
Balticconnector offshore FEED design
12596 KBBalticconnector connects the gas transmission networks of Estonia and Finland and is a precondition for an efficient regional gas market and the diversification of sources of supply (LNG terminals, biomethane, etc.) in the Baltic-Finnish region.
The Estonian and Finnish natural gas transmission system operators Elering AS and Baltic Connector Oy are developing the Balticconnector transnational gas pipeline to interconnect the Estonian and Finnish gas transmission networks. Studies carried out have highlighted the significant socio-economic benefits of the project for both sides and other Baltic countries.
The completion of the project will:
As a priority project, Balticconnector has been included in trans-European energy networks (TEN-E). According to the decision of the European Commission, the EU will fund surveys for constructing Balticconnector in the amount of 5.4 million euros. The funding contract was signed in the spring of 2015. Additionally, Balticconnector has been included in the Projects of Common Interest (PCI) list of the EU Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme.
In the summer 2015, Elering submitted an investment request as a precondition for EU support for the construction of Balticconnector.
On 15 July 2016, the European Commission decided to co-fund the establishment of Balticconnector to a maximum of 75 per cent and the enhancement of Estonia-Latvia gas connection to 50 per cent, with total funding amounting to 206 million euros. EC press release.
During this time, there have not been planned public consultations concerning the project. All public consultations will take place in compliance with EU Regulation 347/2013.
Enhancement of the Estonian-Latvian interconnection is also a part of the Balticconnector project. Elering AS is supporting the project for the upgrade of the interconnection pipeline between Estonia and Latvia with the installation of a compressor station and new metering station in Estonia.
Furthermore, enhancement of Estonian-Latvian interconnection is a project of common interest (PCI) and is included in the PCI list (project number 8.2.2).
Balticconnector gas transmission pipeline consists of three parts: a land-based section in Estonia, a submarine section on the seabed of the Gulf of Finland and a land-based section in Finland.
The length of the submarine section of Balticconnector from Paldiski to Inkoo in Finland is 77 km. The gas pipeline facilitates bidirectional gas flows. The capacity of the pipeline with 500 mm nominal diameter and up to 80 bar pressure is 7.2 million cubic metres of gas per day and 0.3 million cubic metres gas per hour.
The length of the land-based section of Balticconnector is 55 km from Kiili to Paldiski in Estonia and 21 km from Inkoo to Siuntio in Finland.
In order to guarantee bidirectional gas flows, compressor and metering stations must also be built in Estonia and Finland.
Location of the Estonian land-based section of Balticconnector
The environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the project was carried out in both countries on the basis of current legislation and included preparing separate EIA reports in Estonia and Finland. Pöyry Finland Oy was responsible for preparing the EIA report and Ramboll Eesti AS was responsible for preparing the EIA programme.
The EIA report includes a natural gas pipeline from Inkoo to Paldiski. The report has been prepared using information from the EIA programme, and the environmental impacts of alternatives presented in the EIA programme in Estonia is evaluated within the report.
The international dimension of the project is the result of a procedure carried out in accordance with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Convention on EIA in a Transboundary Context (the Espoo convention) and by bilateral agreement between Estonia and Finland within the transboundary context of EIA.
The aim of EIA was to provide information on the environmental impacts of the proposed activities and alternative possibilities, in order to avoid any negative environmental impacts or include opportunities to minimise those in Estonia and Finland.
The chosen utility line, on which the thematic plan is based, begins from the existing Tallinn-Vireši category D pipeline and ends with the compression station planned on the shore of the Paldiski peninsula; from there a pipeline will be led to Finland on the bottom of the sea. A diagnostics assembly of the pipeline for receiving the test device is planned on the site of the compression station to be built within the territory of the town of Paldiski.
29.08.2006 – initiation
25.09.2012 – approval
18.12.2012 – enforcement
The chosen utility line, on which the thematic plan is based, begins from the existing Tallinn-Vireši category D pipeline and ends with the compression station planned on the shore of the Paldiski peninsula; from there a pipeline will be led to Finland on the bottom of the sea. A diagnostics assembly of the pipeline for receiving the test device is planned on the site of the compression station to be built within the territory of the town of Paldiski.
21 June 2006 – initiation
25 October 2012 – approval
27 March 2013 – enforcement
The aim of the thematic plan is to determine the location and the pipeline protection zone of the natural gas pipeline located in the administrative territory of the town of Paldiski. The thematic plan is in compliance with Stage I of the Harju County Plan established by Order No. 1682 of the Harju County Governor of 19 April 1999, which provides for construction of a gas pipeline from Saku to Paldiski through Saue and Keila parishes and the town of Keila.
30 May 2006 – initiation
12 March 2010 – approval
22 December 2012 – enforcement
Further information is available on the website of the town of Paldiski.
The area included in the plan is located in the town of Paldiski on the unreformed state land between the T-8 Tallinn-Paldiski highway, the Keila-Paldiski 110 kW cable lines, the administrative boarder of Keila Parish and the town of Paldiski, and Ingeri tee. The total size of the area included in the plan is approximately 3.5 ha.
The area included in the detailed plan and the purpose of the plan are in compliance with the location of the compression station specified and the activities planned in the thematic plan “Location of the category D natural gas pipeline in the territory of the town of Paldiski” approved by Resolution No. 66 of Paldiski Town Council of 22 December 2011, which specifies the current comprehensive plan of the town of Paldiski. Based on the above, the comprehensive plan is not amended by the detailed plan.
Based on the plan, 2 plots will be formed – 1 production land plot with building rights for construction of the compression station and the buildings and structures servicing the station, and 1 transport land plot for access to the production land plot.
SEA was not initiated.
23 May 2012 – initiation
3 December 2013 – approval
20 October 2014 – enforcement
Further information is available on the website of the town of Paldiski.
On 20 December 2012, Saue Municipal Council passed the Resolution No. 105 to approve the thematic plan “Location of the category D natural gas pipeline in the territory of Saue Parish”. The thematic plan was drawn up with an aim to determine the location and the pipeline protection zone of the category D Kiili-Paldiski natural gas pipeline in the administrative territory of Saue Parish. The 9 km gas line section planned in the territory of Saue Parish is part of the approximately 48 km Kiili-Paldiski line. The objective of the thematic plan is to partly amend the current comprehensive plan of Saue Parish with respect to the location of the gas pipeline, i.e., relocate the pipeline in the section between Keila and the town of Saue from the Tallinn roundabout line corridor to the Tallinn-Paldiski railway corridor. The thematic plan is a plan for specifying the comprehensive plan of Saue Parish approved by Regulation No. 006 of the Saue Municipal Council of 25 August 2005. The thematic plan is in compliance with the comprehensive plan of Saue Parish approved by Resolution No. 89 of the Saue Municipal Council of 29 November 2012, which entered into force on 1 January 2013.
22 June 2006 – initiation
30 August 2012 – approval
20 December 2012 – enforcement
Further information is available on the website of Saue Parish.
On the territory of the parishes of Saku and Kiili, the location of the gas line is determined by comprehensive plans.
Elering AS:
Kalle Kilk
Member of the Board / Head of Asset Management
Mart Landsberg
Head of the Balticconnector Unit
+372 715 1245
Priit Heinla
Project Manager
Paldiski-Inkoo Offshore Pipeline
+372 715 1147
Simo Lahesalu
Project Manager
Paldiski Compressor Station
+372 715 1139
Rauno Pristavka
Project Manager
Karksi Gas Metering Station
+372 715 1155
Pavel Solovjov
Project Manager
Puiatu Compressor Station
+372 715 1386
Kalle Norma
Project Manager
Kiili – Paldiski Gas Connection
+372 501 0070
Taivo Käo
Project Manager
Kiili – Paldiski Gas Pipeline
+372 5841 4984
Balticconnector gas transmission pipeline consists of three parts: a land-based section in Estonia, a submarine section on the seabed of the Gulf of Finland and a land-based section in Finland.
The length of the submarine section of Balticconnector from Paldiski to Inkoo in Finland is 77 km. The gas pipeline facilitates bidirectional gas flows. The capacity of the pipeline with 500 mm nominal diameter and up to 80 bar pressure is 7.2 million cubic metres of gas per day and 0.3 million cubic metres gas per hour.
The length of the land-based section of Balticconnector is 55 km from Kiili to Paldiski in Estonia and 21 km from Inkoo to Siuntio in Finland.
In order to guarantee bidirectional gas flows, compressor and metering stations must also be built in Estonia and Finland.
Location of the Estonian land-based section of Balticconnector
The environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the project was carried out in both countries on the basis of current legislation and included preparing separate EIA reports in Estonia and Finland. Pöyry Finland Oy was responsible for preparing the EIA report and Ramboll Eesti AS was responsible for preparing the EIA programme.
The EIA report includes a natural gas pipeline from Inkoo to Paldiski. The report has been prepared using information from the EIA programme, and the environmental impacts of alternatives presented in the EIA programme in Estonia is evaluated within the report.
The international dimension of the project is the result of a procedure carried out in accordance with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Convention on EIA in a Transboundary Context (the Espoo convention) and by bilateral agreement between Estonia and Finland within the transboundary context of EIA.
The aim of EIA was to provide information on the environmental impacts of the proposed activities and alternative possibilities, in order to avoid any negative environmental impacts or include opportunities to minimise those in Estonia and Finland.
The chosen utility line, on which the thematic plan is based, begins from the existing Tallinn-Vireši category D pipeline and ends with the compression station planned on the shore of the Paldiski peninsula; from there a pipeline will be led to Finland on the bottom of the sea. A diagnostics assembly of the pipeline for receiving the test device is planned on the site of the compression station to be built within the territory of the town of Paldiski.
29.08.2006 – initiation
25.09.2012 – approval
18.12.2012 – enforcement
The chosen utility line, on which the thematic plan is based, begins from the existing Tallinn-Vireši category D pipeline and ends with the compression station planned on the shore of the Paldiski peninsula; from there a pipeline will be led to Finland on the bottom of the sea. A diagnostics assembly of the pipeline for receiving the test device is planned on the site of the compression station to be built within the territory of the town of Paldiski.
21 June 2006 – initiation
25 October 2012 – approval
27 March 2013 – enforcement
The aim of the thematic plan is to determine the location and the pipeline protection zone of the natural gas pipeline located in the administrative territory of the town of Paldiski. The thematic plan is in compliance with Stage I of the Harju County Plan established by Order No. 1682 of the Harju County Governor of 19 April 1999, which provides for construction of a gas pipeline from Saku to Paldiski through Saue and Keila parishes and the town of Keila.
30 May 2006 – initiation
12 March 2010 – approval
22 December 2012 – enforcement
Further information is available on the website of the town of Paldiski.
The area included in the plan is located in the town of Paldiski on the unreformed state land between the T-8 Tallinn-Paldiski highway, the Keila-Paldiski 110 kW cable lines, the administrative boarder of Keila Parish and the town of Paldiski, and Ingeri tee. The total size of the area included in the plan is approximately 3.5 ha.
The area included in the detailed plan and the purpose of the plan are in compliance with the location of the compression station specified and the activities planned in the thematic plan “Location of the category D natural gas pipeline in the territory of the town of Paldiski” approved by Resolution No. 66 of Paldiski Town Council of 22 December 2011, which specifies the current comprehensive plan of the town of Paldiski. Based on the above, the comprehensive plan is not amended by the detailed plan.
Based on the plan, 2 plots will be formed – 1 production land plot with building rights for construction of the compression station and the buildings and structures servicing the station, and 1 transport land plot for access to the production land plot.
SEA was not initiated.
23 May 2012 – initiation
3 December 2013 – approval
20 October 2014 – enforcement
Further information is available on the website of the town of Paldiski.
On 20 December 2012, Saue Municipal Council passed the Resolution No. 105 to approve the thematic plan “Location of the category D natural gas pipeline in the territory of Saue Parish”. The thematic plan was drawn up with an aim to determine the location and the pipeline protection zone of the category D Kiili-Paldiski natural gas pipeline in the administrative territory of Saue Parish. The 9 km gas line section planned in the territory of Saue Parish is part of the approximately 48 km Kiili-Paldiski line. The objective of the thematic plan is to partly amend the current comprehensive plan of Saue Parish with respect to the location of the gas pipeline, i.e., relocate the pipeline in the section between Keila and the town of Saue from the Tallinn roundabout line corridor to the Tallinn-Paldiski railway corridor. The thematic plan is a plan for specifying the comprehensive plan of Saue Parish approved by Regulation No. 006 of the Saue Municipal Council of 25 August 2005. The thematic plan is in compliance with the comprehensive plan of Saue Parish approved by Resolution No. 89 of the Saue Municipal Council of 29 November 2012, which entered into force on 1 January 2013.
22 June 2006 – initiation
30 August 2012 – approval
20 December 2012 – enforcement
Further information is available on the website of Saue Parish.
On the territory of the parishes of Saku and Kiili, the location of the gas line is determined by comprehensive plans.
Elering AS:
Kalle Kilk
Member of the Board / Head of Asset Management
Mart Landsberg
Head of the Balticconnector Unit
+372 715 1245
Priit Heinla
Project Manager
Paldiski-Inkoo Offshore Pipeline
+372 715 1147
Simo Lahesalu
Project Manager
Paldiski Compressor Station
+372 715 1139
Rauno Pristavka
Project Manager
Karksi Gas Metering Station
+372 715 1155
Pavel Solovjov
Project Manager
Puiatu Compressor Station
+372 715 1386
Kalle Norma
Project Manager
Kiili – Paldiski Gas Connection
+372 501 0070
Taivo Käo
Project Manager
Kiili – Paldiski Gas Pipeline
+372 5841 4984
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