Elering welcomes new customers who apply for a new grid connection at 110/330kV voltage or amendment of the conditions for demand or generation or other technical conditions applicable to an existing grid connection.
Applications for connecting to the national transmission system, the preliminary investigation, amendments to consumption conditions and procurement documents may be submitted through the corresponding information system egle.ee, and all subsequent exchange of data related to these actions also takes place over the same interface.
Stages in the process of establishing a new connection to Elering’s power grid
For a timeline of the connection process, click here:
A comprehensive overview of the process of establishing a new connection can be found in the brochure (in Estonian) Teejuht põhivõrguga liitujale (Guide for customers connecting to the national transmission system), a guide for those connecting to the grid.
As a rule, the optimum connection point for connecting to the national transmission system operated by Elering is an Elering substation. The locations of substations can be seen on the map of the Estonian electricity system.
Flexible connections
Data disclosed by Elering on the basis of subsection 23 (3) of the Grid Code can be found: Jaotusvõrguga ühendatud tootmismoodulite andmed.xlsx