07.01.2020 13:24
Data of production equipment
33152 KBEstonia's all-time peak electricity consumption is 1599 MW (January 4, 2024).
From 01.01.2021, the updated calculation methodology for actual consumption and production also includes scattered production. Considering this, before January 4, 2024, Estonia's all-time peak consumption was 1,591 MW (February 18, 2021).
Before that, Estonia's all-time peak consumption was considered to be 1587 MW (28.01.2010 17.40-17.45). Since 1966, the maximum consumption has increased more than three times.
In 2020, electricity consumption in Estonia with grid losses was 8.44 TWh a year. By January 2021, the net installed capacity of the Estonian electricity system was 2337 MW. However, real possible net generation is lower, as it depends on repairs to equipment and emergencies and on the available production from wind, solar and hydro-powered generation.
By October 2016, 329 MW of wind parks had joined the Estonian electricity system, of which 301,7 MW were directly connected to the main grid. At the moment the record production of wind parks is 279 MW, achieved on December 10th, 2014 between 14:45 and 14:50.
During the recent years the overall production record has been 2281 MW and it was achieved on January 15th, 2016 between 09:55 and 10:00.
The transmission of electricity through the grid inevitably results in losses, which Elering covers by buying electricity from the Nordic electricity exchange. The levels of losses depend on many factors, such as the amount of energy transferred, the direction of cross-border energy trades, division of power flows through the united energy system and the resulting transit flows, and weather conditions such as humidity and rainfall. In 2020, losses accounted for 4.1 % of the total amount of electricity put into the Elering's main grid.
Elering presents annual forecasts of consumption, peak loads, and transmission capacities of the Estonian electricity system, which are available on the ENTSO-E website. Forecasts are preliminary and will be refined during balance sheet planning.
Forecasts of consumption on the ENTSO-E platform
Forecasts of transmission capacities on the ENTSO-E platform
Pursuant to the Grid Code, Elering as the system administrator prepares annually the assessment of the production reserve needed for satisfying the consumption demand.
The assessment is drafted based on the requirement that a sufficiency reserve of the production equipment of the system may not be lower than the maximum daily consumption of the system (peak consumption), to which a 10% reserve is added to ensure electricity supply in the case of unexpected load changes and long-term unplanned interruptions in production.
Pursuant to subsection 132 (5) of the Grid Code ‘Production supplies needed for meeting the consumption demand’, all electricity generating authorities must submit the data specified in Appendix 3 of the Grid Code concerning the following 10 years to the system operator Elering by 1 February each year for the evaluation of the system adequacy reserves.
Elering will publish the assessment of the production reserve needed for meeting the consumption demand for the next 10 years for January (maximum consumption) and July (minimum consumption). Assessments have been brought in Adequacy reports of the production equipment of the Estonian electricity system published for years until 2015 and in Security of Supply Reports since year 2016.
An electricity producer can submit data in the appended electronic form to the e-mail address [email protected] or send the documents by post to the address Elering AS, Kadaka tee 42, 12915 Tallinn. If you have any questions related to the submission of data, please contact via e-mail [email protected].
Pursuant to the Grid Code, Elering as the system administrator prepares annually the assessment of the production reserve needed for satisfying the consumption demand.
The assessment is drafted based on the requirement that a sufficiency reserve of the production equipment of the system may not be lower than the maximum daily consumption of the system (peak consumption), to which a 10% reserve is added to ensure electricity supply in the case of unexpected load changes and long-term unplanned interruptions in production.
Pursuant to subsection 132 (5) of the Grid Code ‘Production supplies needed for meeting the consumption demand’, all electricity generating authorities must submit the data specified in Appendix 3 of the Grid Code concerning the following 10 years to the system operator Elering by 1 February each year for the evaluation of the system adequacy reserves.
Elering will publish the assessment of the production reserve needed for meeting the consumption demand for the next 10 years for January (maximum consumption) and July (minimum consumption). Assessments have been brought in Adequacy reports of the production equipment of the Estonian electricity system published for years until 2015 and in Security of Supply Reports since year 2016.
An electricity producer can submit data in the appended electronic form to the e-mail address [email protected] or send the documents by post to the address Elering AS, Kadaka tee 42, 12915 Tallinn. If you have any questions related to the submission of data, please contact via e-mail [email protected].
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