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Because of the general personal data protection rules that came into force on 25 May across Europe, energy consumers must give authorisation to energy sellers in order to allow them to view consumer energy data via Elering’s online customer service website, e-elering.

In connection with the entry into force of the EU General Data Protection Regulation on 25 May, Elering is introducing an amendment pertaining to sharing of private consumers’ metering data solely with open suppliers – i.e., energy sellers with whom the consumer does not have an agreement. In accordance with both the Electricity Markets Act and the rules on functioning of the gas market, the consumer must grant consent to sellers to enable the seller to see that consumer’s consumption history.

The new personal data protection rules impose on data exchange platforms – in this case – Elering – the obligation to prove that the consumer has given consent for sharing their data with the energy seller. To satisfy this requirement, the relevant consent – authorization for accessing consumer data in – is to be granted via e-elering. In the past, electricity sellers arranged and administered their own consents.

Granting of authorization for access privileges in e-elering ensures compliance with the personal data protection rules. It will also make the process of granting consent transparent and simple as different sellers can be given the authorization in a single environment.

Every electricity consumer can log into e-elering using an ID card, Smart-ID, Mobile-ID or bank link. To grant consent, only a few clicks are necessary.

If you have any questions, please contact Elering at, tel 71 51 222



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