24.10.2018 13:31
Power generation and consumption in Q3 outstrip last year’s figures
In Q3, power generation grew by five per cent compared to the same period last year; quarterly output was 2,573 gigawatt-hours. Consumption increased by 1 per cent to 1865 gigawatt-hours.
In the month of September, Estonia’s electricity output was 815 gigawatt-hours, which is 1 per cent less than in the same period last year, while consumption dropped by 4 percent to 627 gigawatt-hours.
Generation of renewable energy grew year-over-year in Q3, reaching 402 gigawatt-hours. Renewable energy made up 19 per cent of consumption.
The growth in production of renewable energy was boosted by September’s figures, in this month renewable output grew 30 per cent, totalling 158 gigawatt-hours. Wind energy generation increased by more than one-half compared to last September, with a total of 70 gigawatt-hours. In September, renewable energy accounted for a record 22.4 per cent of consumption. The previous high mark was 19 per cent.
In Latvia, power output dropped last month by 28 per cent from a year ago, totalling 377 gigawatt-hours. In Lithuania, on the other hand, production for September increased by 45 per cent, reaching 300 gigawatt-hours. Electricity consumption dropped by 2 per cent year-over-year in Latvia – amounting to 555 gigawatt-hours in September, and in Lithuania consumption for the month increased by 11 per cent to 936 gigawatt-hours.
As a whole in the Baltics, 1492 gigawatt-hours of electricity was generated in September and 2118 gigawatt-hours of electricity was consumed, resulting in a deficit of 625 gigawatt-hours. In Estonia, 189 gigawatt-hours more was produced than was consumed, but the electricity balances in Latvia and Lithuania were in a deficit.
In the Nordics in September, the production volume totalled 28 465 gigawatt-hours and consumption stood at 28 073 gigawatt-hours. The surplus there was thus 391 gigawatt-hours.
The commercial import of electricity to Estonia amounted to 281 gigawatt-hours in September, an increase of 87 per cent. The Finnish share of import was 258 gigawatt-hours and that of Latvia, 23 gigawatt-hours.
Export to Latvia grew year-over-year in September by close to one-third, reaching 388 gigawatt-hours. Export to Finland more than doubled in the same comparison, amounting to 92 gigawatt-hours. In total, 480 gigawatt-hours was exported to Estonia in September - 48 per cent more than in last September.