09.07.2018 08:34
Electricity seller switched at 12,300 places of consumption in first six months of year
According to data from Elering’s smart grid platform Estfeed, electricity sellers were switched 12,300 times in the first six months of this year.
The most active period for switching to a different electricity seller and entering into new electricity contracts was the beginning of the year, when more than one-half of the first half-year’s transactions were conducted. In January, the seller was switched on 6,400 occasions and 32,400 new contracts were concluded with existing or new sellers. After the first, active month of the year, the electricity seller has been switched in an average of 1,200 places of consumption per month, and on average, 5,400 new contracts for buying electricity were concluded each month. During the half-year, 59,400 new contracts were concluded.
As of late June, Estonia has 723,000 metering points with network contracts; of them, 142,000 buy electricity under general service from distribution grid companies; and 581,000 places of consumption have a contract for purchasing electricity.
Gas sellers have been changed 2,000 times during the half-year. On average, 350 places of consumption per month switch to a different seller. Over the six months, close to 4,300 new contracts have been concluded, resulting in a monthly average of around 700.
As of the end of June, there were 56,200 gas metering points, of which 1,400 buy gas under general service, and 54,800 places of consumption buy gas on the basis of contract.