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In order to achieve the level playing field for the participants of the Baltic balancing market, and to fulfil the requirements of the guideline on electricity balancing, the Baltic TSOs (Elering AS, AS "Augstsprieguma tīkls" un LITGRID AB) have agreed on harmonized Baltic balancing market rules for balance service providers and imbalance settlement rules for balance responsible parties.

The detailed information regarding the Baltic balancing market framework and imbalance settlement principles can be found in the attached documents, which are public annexes of Baltic TSOs’ Agreement on the operation and settlement of the Baltic coordinated balancing area. The documents could be found here.

The Baltic TSOs would like to inform that Baltic national regulatory authorities have expressed support to the implementation of the common Baltic balancing market. However due to relevant upcoming amendments in national laws and regulations, and different public consultation processes in each Baltic State, the attached documents are subject of the final approval and might be adjusted during December 2017 as a result of the national implementation processes. It is planned, that common Baltic balancing market will be launched at 1st of January 2018.

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