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To speed up the connection process, the customer can, before signing the connection agreement, apply for procurement documents for carrying out the necessary construction works in the Elering power grid.

To order the procurement documents, the customer must submit a corresponding application through Elering’s connections information system

Category of fee (VAT will be charged additionally)

Processing fee €

The preparation of the procurement documents  


The preparation of the procurement documents is a paid service priced at 6,040 euros plus VAT. The prerequisite for preparation of the documents for this price is a previous preliminary investigation.

The level of detail of the procurement documents prepared by Elering depends on the level of detail in the information set out by the customer in application for preliminary investigation and application for the procurement documents and may change if new producers, consumers are added in the connection agreement or in case of changes in the electricity system.

Elering shall issue the procurement documents within 4-6 months of accepting the application, the precise time depends on the complexity of the technical solution.

The procurement documents issued by Elering will be used to perform the connection agreement if the volume of work as set forth in the connection agreement is the same as listed in the procurement documents issued.